Our Story
Before joining forces as the The HBP Group in 2005, HBP Systems and Kamarin Computers began their journeys as software resellers in 1991 and 1981 respectively.
As two of the fastest growing software consultants in the UK, HBP and Kamarin provided accounting software that computerised the finance function of thousands of businesses throughout the 1990s. As the businesses grew, well-known software solutions from Pegasus, Advanced and Sage were complimented by a complete range of IT solutions which enabled us to help businesses with their entire IT and software requirements.
When The HBP Group was formed in 2005, we were able to use our combined knowledge to offer software solutions across the UK.
Today, we help thousands of businesses each year with software and IT solutions, including our MRP solutions, Advanced Business Cloud Essentials which provides a cloud-based and affordable solutions to manufacturers of all sizes.
In 2019 we were awarded the Advanced Business Partner of the Year and were named an Advanced Ultimate Partner, recognising the work we had one with manufacturers and Advanced Business Cloud Essentials.