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Pegasus Opera 3 Credit Management Centre

2 min read

Phoebe Adshead
Phoebe Adshead key responsibilities lie in marketing; ensuring that businesses are aware of the products, services and expertise available from The HBP Group.

Reduce Customer Debts and Improve Your Cash Flow With Pegasus Opera 3 Credit Management

With so many amazing features, it can be easy to forget some of the key elements that are available to use in Pegasus Opera 3 accounting software. We find one of those features which customers forget they can take advantage of is the Credit Management Centre.

Knowing who owes what and when they will pay is key to managing your customer debts. The Opera 3 Credit Management Centre is designed to streamline your credit control processes, to help reduce bad debts, increase cash flow and improve the overall financial position of your business.

Integrating with the Opera 3 Sales Ledger, the Credit Management Centre provides a series of key dashboard views, making it a one-stop shop for all your credit control needs.


Key Forgotten Features Available

  • Easy-to-understand dashboard views of the overall financial position of your company and customers
  • Drill down behind key financial information, customer accounts and transactions
  • Powerful filters allow you to manage customers that are over their credit limit and/or have overdue invoices n Create and organise customers into custom Credit Management Groups according to their debt
  • Define custom Action Types and Outcome Types to be used with diary actions for recording activities and follow-ups
  • Create and amend diary actions against individual customers or transactions, with an optional follow-up reminder via Opera 3 Notification Services
  • Debt Management facility allows up to nine levels of customised debt correspondence per company or per individual customer, that can be emailed or printed, either individually or in bulk
  • Record and revise Promised Payments against individual transactions or at account level
  • Opera 3 Sales Ledger integration with instant access to the Account view for historical information
  • Place accounts ‘on’ or ‘off’ Stop, increase or decrease credit limits, and reorganise accounts into different Credit Management Groups, individually or in bulk Company view
  • Dispute invoices and record the appropriate reason code
  • Print statements, copy invoices and produce advanced debtor letters
  • Keep on top of actions with the Diary view
  • Security settings allow you to control staff access to company data
  • Additional reports include Promised Payments and Diary Activities, which can also be exported directly to Excel
  • Integrates with Pegasus Dashboards, Pegasus XRL and Pegasus Instant Messenger (PIM)

Rachelle Gray, one of our resident Pegasus experts here at The HBP Group, recommends Debtors Letters as a key function, often overlooked by users. “Not many people are aware that the system as standard, even without the credit management module, can create three different levels of debtors Letters that will actually be sent out to your customers based on the level of debt that customer is at. These can be customisable for factors like their employment, and the wording you use based on severity of the letter.”