Sage 50 v29 – What’s New In The Latest Upgrade?
3 min read
Sage continue to make the way you use Sage 50 even simpler. In the latest version, available at the end of January 2023, Sage 50 v29 is packed with tools to save time and add more functionality.
In v28.1, Sage introduced 22 new features or enhancements based upon customer requests, which they have continued in v29, with further improvements based upon the feedback from customers.
What’s New in Sage 50 v29?
Improved help.
Introducing the new ‘Help’ feature. New and enhanced, simplified in product assistance that will unlock help, provide support and elevate your performance.
- New help links within every window of the software giving you quick easy access to in product help at the click of a button.
- Solutions provided are contextual to the area of the product you are working in, or the task being completed, Meaning you always get targeted and relevant help every time
- The help window will remain open in the software enabling you to continue working whilst accessing the online support and help documents simultaneously.
The following updates are as a result of customer requests via Sage City:
Better customisation.
Sage have increased the number of characters you can enter for Product Descriptions and Part numbers in the Product Record, and added additional analysis and email fields in
customer and supplier records, providing you with additional capability to customise your product to suit your needs.
Improved search capabilities.
- Improvements to the search feature will increase productivity and enable you to search your data effectively.
- Searches can be applied across most fields rather than just the reference field.
- These searches have been added to drop downs within processing windows.
- The Search option has also been added to additional modules including Projects, Departments and Nominal codes.
Gross column added to batch entries.
- Traditionally, Batch Entry windows would display the Net and VAT columns but would not display the Gross figure.
- v29 introduces a new column to display the Gross figure in addition to the Net and VAT values. This field is read only so cannot be amended.
- Users will no longer need to manually calculate the gross figure if cross checking with invoices and documents.
- Improves Accuracy and Automation of processing.
Calculate net on recurring items.
- Time saving and improved accuracy with the ability to calculate Net on your recurring items.
- Eliminates the need for manual calculations.
- Fewer errors and increased productivity by getting the software to do the manual work.
Additional analysis and email fields.
- Improved customisation is possible with the addition of 3 additional analysis fields within both customer and supplier records.
- These can be customised within Settings > configuration and then added to reports for analysis.
- In addition, an additional 3 email addresses can be added to customer records which can also be customised.
Product description and part number.
- Product description field increased to 120 characters (previously 60).
- The Product part number increased to 60 characters (previously 16).
- This enables you add further information in the product record without having to shorten descriptions and part numbers and customise the software to meet your needs.
The following updates relate to enhancements made to support cash flow management:
Invoice layouts with bank details.
- Get paid quicker by giving customers everything they need for quick payment.
- Version 29 includes standard layouts with bank details.
- Details are picked up from the bank record.
- How to add bank details to an invoice layout is a common support query – steps in Help Centre if needed
Invoice Payments.
In v29, Invoice Payments includes two enhancements:
Partial Payment
- Customers can now choose to make a part payment.
- Useful if they can’t afford to make a full payment.
- Disputed items or returns don’t get in the way.
Settlement Discount
- When making a full payment, if offered, settlement discount will be shown and the payment amount will clearly show how much should be paid.
The following updates relate to enhancements made to support compliance:
EORI numbers.
- To remain compliant with post Brexit legislation, EORI numbers need to be stored on customer and supplier delivery addresses.
- Additional box to add an EORI number to each additional address within Addresses and Contacts.
The following updates relate to other enhancements:
Ledger refresh.
- Refresh option added to most modules.
- Ensures the data you see is up to date.
- Simple way to refresh your ledgers.
- Use F5 to refresh.
Don’t show again messaging.
‘Don’t show again’ check box added to messages:
- Terms agreed message
- Sales order status
- Processing outside financial year
- Credit charges – if foreign trader activated
- Contra entries – if foreign trader activated