Continia Document Capture Version 2023 R1 – What’s New
3 min read
Continia Major Release 2023 R1
We’ve got the first look at Continia’s first major release for 2023. We’ve put together our top 6 features and changes below.
Support for Purchase Orders and Return Orders in Approval Workflows
Approve your purchase and return orders using Document Capture’s outstanding approval workflow functionality. You can approve them quickly with all existing Continia workflow features, including the Web Approval Portal. This feature will enable you to approve purchase orders and purchase return orders using the Continia Document Capture approval workflow functionality, exactly as you’re used to with purchase invoices and credit memos. The new workflows will support all existing Continia workflow features (such as four-eyes approval and force approval), providing you with the added benefits of these features while ensuring a more comprehensive and integrated user experience.
A number of workflows for the approval of purchase orders and purchase return orders will be created and made available on the Workflows page.
New Category for Creating and Updating Purchase Orders
Reduce manual typing and eliminate errors by automatically creating and updating your purchase orders based on order confirmations sent by your vendor. With the addition of this feature, the creation and updating of purchase orders can be automated in Continia Document Capture, so that you no longer have to create or update them manually yourself. This not only saves a lot of time, but also ensures higher data quality, as the data originates directly from the vendors themselves.
A new document category will be added to make it possible for you to have purchase orders created or updated automatically based on data recognised in another document (typically an order confirmation from the vendor).
When a purchase order is created this way, the recognized data can be, for example, item numbers, price, and quantity, or virtually anything else that you might find relevant to capture in the document from the vendor. The updating of purchase orders will be based on a limited number of selected fields: Vendor Order No., Vendor Shipment No., Promised Receipt Date, Quantity, and Direct Unit Cost.
Support For Prepayments
Easily manage advanced payments required by vendors for goods and services. Document Capture automatically posts documents as prepayment invoices when identified or marked as prepayments, linking them to an associated purchase order.
When an invoice that has been either identified as or marked as a prepayment invoice is registered, Document Capture will automatically post it as a prepayment invoice that’s linked to an associated purchase order. A purchase order number must be entered or captured in order for this link to be made.
Creating General Journal Lines Without a Vendor Balancing Account
Increase flexibility with small purchases by selecting a bank or G/L balancing account instead of the default vendor account. This feature provides you with the added flexibility of being able to select other balancing accounts than the default vendor account. This is particularly useful for relatively small purchases and petty cash transactions.
When you register documents whose template has the setting Create Journal Lines (under Invoice Reg. Step 1), the balancing account that’s used for the lines created in the general journal has so far always been the vendor account. With the implementation of this feature, it will now be possible to select either a G/L account or a bank account instead when general journal lines are created upon document registration.
The template header fields Account Type and Account No. will be made available for users to fill out. If these fields are left empty, the vendor account will still be used by default.
Ability to Delegate Documents to Specific Users
It’s now possible to delegate any Document Capture document to a specific user. A new column, Delegated To User ID, has been added to the document journal. This column is hidden by default, but you can display it by selecting Settings in the upper-right corner and then choosing Personalize. You can manually delegate any document by entering a user ID in the Delegated To User ID field for the chosen document. If set up to automatically generate delegation comments, the system will attempt to automatically delegate the document to the relevant user. The user is identified by the mapping of Our Contact to a purchaser code, which is then used to identify the user ID through Continia User Setup.
In addition, a new tile, Delegated to me, which shows the number of delegated documents, has been added to the Continia Document Capture Activities section of the Role Center. You can open the list of delegated documents by selecting this tile or by searching for Delegated Document List.
Drag-and-Drop Functionality for Additional Business Central Pages
The Continia Document Capture drag-and-drop functionality will be expanded to include a number of additional standard Business Central pages, making it easier for you to attach files to posted documents in Business Central.
The drag-and-drop FactBox will be added to the following pages:
- Posted Sales Invoices
- Posted Sales Shipments
- Posted Sales Credit Memos
- Posted Purchase Receipts