SharePoint Basic Adoption Training Course

See what course content is included below.

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What’s included in the SharePoint basic adoption course?

Tailored Training: Starting from £595 for 1/2 day, covering intermediate or advanced training, bespoke to your business.
Time: Available as a full day workshop. Recorded for future use.

Many organisations struggle to successfully transition users onto SharePoint and get them to adopt the new system because of a lack of training. SharePoint is the backbone for businesses looking to adopt a more modern workplace approach; it allows teams to work together on projects, knowing that all the information related to the project is in one place, version control of the files is not an issue, and that all the information regarding the project can be shared in a safe and secure environment.

SharePoint is not only about managing your Excel spreadsheets and your Word documents, SharePoint allows you to share calendars and provides an invaluable ‘search’ tool to assist you in locating information.

Course content includes:

  • Accessing SharePoint and OneDrive from any device, creating a OneDrive Shortcut to a SharePoint folder in a document library and saving your SharePoint as a favourite, so users can access data and information from any decvice with an internet connection.
  • Creating folders and sub-folders, to create a correct folder hierarchy so data can be easily located. This covers folder views and sorting files, to ensure your SharePoint is kept tidy, so end users can easily locate files. Also, best practice file name structure and pathways, so there is consistency across your SharePoint.
  • Saving new files to SharePoint and OneDrive, so data is accessible. This also covers uploading and moving documents to your SharePoint, and how to copy documents to the right place.
  • Understanding version control. SharePoint will always present the latest version of any document, if the document has been edited more, then it stores previous versions. This section demonstrates how to access these or to restore these, in the event they have been accidentally edited over, or need data from a previous version.
  • Share, co-editing and changing view/edit settings on a document. Share documents directly from SharePoint, eliminating the need to rememebr attachments, grant access to edit a document and work silmuntaneously, reducing multiple versions of the same document, as well as how to change settings from edit, to read-only/view.
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