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Defining Invoice Posting Policies For Various Users

3 min read

Phoebe Adshead
Phoebe Adshead key responsibilities lie in marketing; ensuring that businesses are aware of the products, services and expertise available from The HBP Group.

Business Central How To: Invoice Posting Policies

Different companies often have unique processes for invoices and shipments. For example, processes can vary from one person posting everything on a purchase order to multiple employees, each working with their own pages. A new setting on the User Setup page lets you specify how each user can process invoices.

To restrict users from posting invoices or require that invoices are posted together with shipment or receipts, on the User Setup page, in the Sales Invoice Posting Policy and Purch. Invoice Posting Policy fields, choose one of the following options:

    • Allowed (Default) – Keep the current behaviour, where a user can choose the posting option to use, such as Ship, Invoice, and Ship and Invoice.


    • Prohibited – Prevent the user from posting invoices. Business Central will show a confirmation dialog that provides only the Ship or Receive options.


  • Mandatory – Allow the user to post invoices together with receipts or shipments. Business Central will show a confirmation dialog with the Ship and Invoice or Receive and Invoice options.

user setup

Below we are trying to post a Sales Order, If Sales Invoice Posting Policy is set as Allowed it will display the by default options which are as follows:

Ship and invoice

Here we can choose either option as we can first Ship and then Invoice separately or Ship and Invoice at once.

If Sales Invoice Posting Policy is set as Prohibited it will only select the Ship Option automatically and display a confirmation message as follows:

post the shipment

By selecting Prohibited option, it will be restricting the Invoice option.

If Sales Invoice Posting Policy is set as Mandatory it will only select the Ship and Invoice Option automatically and display a confirmation message as follows:

post shipment and invoice

By selecting Mandatory option, it will be restricting to select Ship/Invoice options individually.

Likewise, the aforementioned setting affects the following documents:

  • Sales orders
  • Sales return orders
  • Purchase orders
  • Purchase return orders
  • Warehouse shipments
  • Inventory picks
  • Inventory put-aways

Note: The warehouse receipt document isn’t in the list because you can’t post invoices from the document.

The following table describes the effects on different documents.

BC effects and documents

Note: The setting doesn’t affect posting of the general journal lines where you can select Invoice in the Document Type field.