Microsoft Secure Score ExplainedMicrosoft Secure Score Explained

Microsoft Secure Score Explained

Understanding The Microsoft Secure Score and Why It’s So Important


Security is a top priority for most SME businesses. That’s why here at The HBP Group, as part of our commitment to providing seamless and high-quality IT support, we ensure your Microsoft products maintain a strong security posture. This includes keeping a close eye on your Microsoft Secure Score.

But what exactly is a Microsoft Secure Score and why is it important?


What is a Microsoft Secure Score

Your Microsoft Secure Score is a bit like a report card for your organisation’s cybersecurity. It’s a free tool offered by Microsoft that analyses your Microsoft 365 environment, including identities, apps, devices, data and infrastructure. This analysis assigns you a score, offering a quick snapshot of your overall security posture.


How Does Microsoft’s Secure Score Work?

Microsoft Secure Score works behind the scenes, continuously evaluating your security settings and configurations. It assigns points based on how well your settings align with Microsoft’s recommended security best practices. The higher your score, the better your security posture.


Why is Your Microsoft Secure Score Important?

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and it can sometimes be tricky to stay ahead, but not impossible. A high Microsoft Secure Score indicates you’re taking advantage of the built-in security features within Microsoft 365, helping to:

Reduce the Risk of Data Breaches: Strong security settings make it harder for attackers to gain access to your sensitive data.

Protect Against Malware and Viruses: Secure configurations help prevent malware and viruses from infecting your systems.

Comply with Regulations: Many regulations have data security requirements and a high Secure Score can demonstrate your compliance efforts.


What We’re Doing to Help Your Microsoft Secure Score

At The HBP Group, we don’t just monitor your Secure Score – we help you improve it! All settings are checked against Microsoft’s Security Score to ensure all settings have been set up in line with Microsoft’s current recommendations and that security scores are acceptable. In our experience, most organisations will have a security score of 30-40% before our changes and 70-80% after. This may involve enabling multi-factor authentication, implementing data encryption or following best practices for device management.

As a result, we can ensure your Microsoft environment remains secure and your data is protected.


Frequently Asked Questions about Microsoft Secure Score

Q. what is a good Microsoft Secure Score?
A. Most organisations typically see a range between 30-40% before implementing best practices. At The HBP Group, our clients typically experience significant improvement, typically reaching scores of 70-75% after we optimise their security settings.

Q. Why is my Secure Score so low?
A. Several factors can contribute to a low Secure Score. Common reasons include:

  • Disabled security features: Many security features within Microsoft 365 are not enabled by default and need to be properly configured by an expert to get full value from them.
  • Outdated configurations: Security best practices and recommendations evolve, so configurations might not reflect the latest guidance.
  • Lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA): MFA is a critical security layer that significantly strengthens your defences.

Q. How can I improve my Secure Score?
A. You don’t have to! As your Managed IT support partner, The HBP Group continuously monitors and improves your Secure Score. We implement best practices, enable essential security features and keep configurations up-to-date.

Q. What happens if I don’t improve my Secure Score?
A. Leaving your Secure Score low exposes your organisation to several risks:

  • Increased chance of data breaches: Weak security configurations create vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit.
  • Compliance issues: Some regulations have data security requirements, and a low Secure Score could hinder compliance efforts.
  • Financial losses: Data breaches can be incredibly expensive, resulting in lost revenue, legal fees and reputational damage.

Q. How often does The HBP Group update my Secure Score?
A. We continuously monitor your Secure Score. This means we proactively implement best practices and make adjustments as needed to ensure your score remains high.

Q. What if I still have questions about my Secure Score?
A. We’re here to help! Contact your account manager for a chat about it. We’ll be happy to discuss your specific situation and answer any questions you may have.


Next Steps

At The HBP Group, we understand that managing IT security can be complex and time-consuming. That’s why we take a proactive approach to securing your Microsoft environment. We continuously monitor your Microsoft Secure Score and implement the necessary changes to ensure it remains high. This frees you to focus on running your business with the peace of mind that your data is protected.

If you’re ready to take your cyber security seriously, partnering with an expert Managed IT Support partner like The HBP Group is the natural next step. Speak to one of our experts today!

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