Altaro On-Premise Implementation Pack

Altaro VM backup and replication is used to ensure you have a robust backup solution for your Hyper-V virtual environment. Our recommended backup strategy follows the 3-2-1 guidance with three versions of your data; two of which are on-site (live data and on-site back up) and one is off-site (off-site back up) – an approach which is enabled by Altaro.


What’s included in the Altaro On-Premise Implementation Pack?

Our baseline configuration ensures that your data backups are correctly set up, can be easily restored if required and backup schedules and notifications are configured.

This includes:

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  • Configuration and set up of backup procedure for each virtual machine to both on-site (typically onto a NAS box) and off-site locations (either a cloud storage or data storage on another site), encrypted to protect it from malware.
  • Configuration of backup schedule and email notifications for any issues that occur (such as low disk space warnings or failed backups) and the setup of recommended retention policies, which are configured for 1 month for on-site with a grandfather/son back up structure and requires storage of approx. 5x data size on-site (via a NAS) and 2 week off-site retention requiring 3x storage (either via NAS on second site or via cloud storage).
  • Details of all backup configuration will be documented through internal systems and all backup devices labelled to allow for effective management in the future.
  • Configuration of a NAS drive which safely backs up the hosted data, in the event you experience power-related issues. Including notification setup, to notify the HBP Group’s Customer Experience team with details about power fluctuations, whether something is unplugged, and things like power failure, so our Customer Experience team can act on this and ensure a safe backup of data.
Contact 0800 0433 106