webexpenses pegasus

A single question to ask your accountant to know that you are getting the best advice and 10 ways to test the answers you receive.
cost of remote working

Remote working or 'home working', as its come to be referred to, is a concept that many businesses were adopting way before COVID-19 struck and the UK...
vat return label changes

From 8 April 2021, HMRC changed the names of some of the boxes on the UK VAT Return to reflect that the UK is no longer part of the EU and to recognis...
Pegasus Update

This release includes updates to Making Tax Digital (MTD), Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and some amendments associated to Brexit.
Sage 50 support

This great video from Sage shows you how to run your sage 50 accounts year end.
accounting software solutions

Choosing the right accounting software can have a huge impact on the efficiency of how the business is run and can be a great support to growth when t...
credit control ideas

There's no easy answer when it comes to keeping cash flowing in your business, in fact cash flow alone can be a major headache for many struggling bus...
sage 50 user guide

Our Sage Experts have put together a free guide for Sage 50 users. Perfect for novice, intermediate and advanced users.
Tips For Payroll Year End 2021

We know that payroll year end can be stressful for anyone working in finance for businesses, that's why we've put together a payroll year end tips to ...