Welcome to The HBP Group

The HBP Group consists of HBP Systems Ltd, Kamarin Computers Ltd, Jugo Systems, KCPOS and VisiSoft. Between us we cover the vast majority of the UK and are passionate about providing business technology that helps our customers achieve their goals. Use the links below to visit our dedicated product websites or access support for existing customers…

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Enable 2024: Unlock The Power of Your Business Software

Where Businesses Go For Their Future Strategies

Looking to secure your businesses future success? Join us June 19th at Enable 2024, the exclusive event where visionary leaders and finance professionals gather to shape their future business strategies.


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Meet Our Leadership Team

Our leadership team work closely across The HBP Group and are responsible for making The HBP Group a fantastic place to work as well as delivering an exceptional level of customer service and driving our growth as a group of companies.

Joanne Dixon

Joanne is responsible for the overall strategy of The HBP Group and is the managing director of HBP Systems, ensuring that we achieve our overall vision, mission and goals as a company. She works closely with the people, finance and sales teams to manage the key commercial drivers of the business.

Tony Pearson

Tony oversees all operational aspects for The HBP Group to make sure that our high levels of customer service are achieved at all times. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, he develops our product strategy, and looks to enhance the customer experience in all areas.

Phil Denham

Phil’s key responsibilities lie in the area of marketing, ensuring that businesses know
about the products, services and expertise available to them from The HBP Group. He
also supports the business development and account management teams to help build long term relationships with our customers.

George Smith

As well as being the Managing Director of Kamarin Computers, George plays a key role for The HBP Group by managing our team of account managers and sales consultants, who are responsible for looking after our customers.

Lee Drew

Lee is the managing director of Jugo Systems but also plays a pivotal role across The HBP Group as a specialist for our EPOS products KCPOS and VisiSoft. Lee’s role in this area includes every from sales and account management through to input into product development.

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Contact 0800 0433106 info@thehbpgroup.co.uk