Outlook Training Course

See what course content is included below.


What’s included in the Outlook training course?

Tailored Training: Covering intermediate or advanced training, bespoke to your business.
Time: 90 minutes.

It’s no secret that the average employee spends a great deal of time in their Outlook inbox. It’s where we go to communicate with our colleagues and arrange collaborative meetings, but it can get a little messy without the right know-how of the system; inboxes become cluttered, it’s difficult to locate emails and things get missed.

Outlook can also be where we can go to manage workloads, our time better and get clarity on tasks – if you know how! There’s so much more to Outlook than sending and receiving emails. Our Outlook training course is designed to give you and your employees time-saving techniques to ensure that you get the most out of Microsoft Outlook.

Course content includes:

  • Know how to keep control of your Inbox and get your emails down to zero
  • Understand and effectively use tasks so you can properly manage your tasks and meet deadlines
  • Have an effective calendar that works for you so you can effectively manage your time and find gaps for more value-adding tasks
  • Know how to manage your contacts and link them to task and calendar entries, so you always have the details you need to hand
  • Have the knowledge to gain at least 1 hour in your working day – guaranteed!
Contact 0800 0433 106 info@thehbpgroup.co.uk