Hosted Server Implementation Baseline Pack

As part of your journey to the cloud, we provide data hosting from our own data centre. Because your server is the heart of your IT network and must be configured correctly and efficiently to allow your system to remain stable and to allow for easy maintenance and management.


What’s included in the Hosted Server Implementation Baseline Pack (Data Centre)?

Our baseline pack ensures that all key elements of your server are set up for optimal performance, installed in a tidy and logical way for easy management, backed up and fully tested before being put live and handed over to our customer experience team. The correct implementation of your server ensures that you get maximum value from your investment and that your IT network is built on a solid foundation to provide ongoing stability across your organisation.

This includes:

Please hover over the “What is this❔” text for any additional information about each step.

  • An initial project management day which includes time to plan the project in detail, liaising with any third-party software suppliers, agreeing the main business priorities, agreeing project timescales and plan any known risks and impacts which form part of the project.
  • In-house set up of the hosted server to configure the platform and prepare it for installation, as well as the creation of any virtual machines and installation of any software (e.g., anti-virus) as part of the project.
  • Installation and configuration of servers for their intended purpose, working alongside third parties to provide them access to install any third-party software, the re-installation and setup of network printers, configuration of standard policies and the setup of user permissions and group policies (including mapped drives, Windows updates and desktop backgrounds).
  • QA Testing by The HBP Group to ensure that everything has been configured as expected.
  • Internal handover from the professional services team to the customer experience team and the documentation of all relevant settings and notes for future support or change requests.
  • Configuration of virtual server backups and automatic shutdowns for UPS devices, where required.

Please note, this does not include:

  • Reinstall software onto the new server, move any data or databases – including accounting software, phone systems and CCTV as examples.
  • Cabling (new or amends) – needs to be quoted separately.
  • Desk cable management.
Contact 0800 0433 106