How To Host A Webinar In Teams

March 01, 2022 | 2 min read | Microsoft Teams

In this video, Callum from The HBP Group’s Tech How Team explains how to host a webinar in Microsoft Teams. If you prefer to find out how to host a webinar with written instructions, we have included these further down the page.

Step-by-Step Guide

Stage 1: Open New Webinar Settings

1) In the Calendar tab, go to the top right hand corner and in the New meetings drop down menu select Webinar.

How To Host A Webinar In Teams


Stage 2: Creating A New Webinar

1) Name the webinar.

2) Clicking View registration from will open up options for editing the registration form.

3) Next add required presenters, set the time and date.

4) Once you have entered the required details click Send and this will create the webinar.

How To Host A Webinar In Teams

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